Loan of Materials

  1. Patrons must have a library card to check out materials.
  2. Most materials are loaned for a three-week period with exceptions as noted in the table below. These limits are per patron at any one time.
  3. Juvenile card holders (those under 18 years of age) may borrow all library materials with the exception of adult video games and fiction video in any format. However, parents may sign a waiver for those 13-17 years of age.
  4. A maximum of 15 circulating books and other items noted below may have a hold placed on them by any single card holder. Held items must be picked up within 5 days of notification by phone, e-mail, or SMS (text). The library is not responsible for e-mails or phone messages not received on time. After that time, these items will become available for the next patron on the hold list or placed back in circulation.
  5. Materials may be restricted to in-house use if deemed necessary. Materials in the Reference, Genealogy, Indiana and Hancock County collections will circulate only with the approval of the Director or, in the absence of the Director, a manager.
  6. Most materials (exceptions noted in the table below) may be renewed if there are no holds on the item. When possible, the library will auto-renew materials for patrons. This will happen as long as the item(s) have no holds and have not been renewed for the maximum limit. Alternatively, renewals may be done in person, by phone, via the library app, or the library website. When an item is renewed, it is given an extension which matches the original loan period except for extended loan periods. Patrons who are granted an extended loan period (teachers and those with vacation loans) may renew items for the regular loan period if renewed a second time.
  7. The library assumes no responsibility for loss or damage incurred to machines or data from the use of disks, discs, thumb drives, and/or electronic resources from its collection.

Adult Collection

Material Loan Period Renewable Holdable Limit Overdue Fines Per Day
Book (New) 14 days 2 times Yes   $0.10
Book/Magazine (Circulating Collection) 21 days 2 times Yes   $0.10
DVD/Blu-ray (New) 7 days No No 6 $0.25
DVD/Blu-ray (Feature Film) 7 days 2 times Yes 15 $0.25
DVD/Blu-ray (Non-Fiction) 21 days 2 times Yes 15 $0.25
Video Game 7 days 2 times Yes 6 $0.25

Child Collection

Material Loan Period Renewable Holdable Limit Overdue Fines Per Day
Audiobook (CD) 21 days 2 times Yes 15 $0.25
Early Learning Kit 14 days 2 times Yes 2 $0.25
Baby Board Book 21 days 2 times No   $0.10
Book/Magazine (Circulating Collection) 21 days 2 times Yes   $0.10
CD 21 days 2 times Yes 15 $0.25
DVD/Blu-ray 21 days No Yes 15 $0.25
Video Game 7 days 2 times Yes 6 $0.25

Young Adult Collection

Material Loan Period Renewable Holdable Limit Overdue Fines Per Day
Book (Circulating Collection) 21 days 2 times Yes   $0.10
DVD/Blu-ray 21 days No Yes 15 $0.25
Video Game 7 days 2 times Yes 6 $0.25

Electronic Collection

Material Loan Period Renewable Holdable Limit Overdue Fines Per Day
OverDrive Audiobook, eBook 7 or 14 days Yes Yes 30 N/A
Kanopy 3 days N/A N/A 60 tickets /month N/A
Hoopla eBooks & Comics 21 days Yes N/A 30/month* N/A
Hoopla Audio Books 21 days Yes N/A 30/month* N/A
Hoopla Music 7 days Yes N/A 30/month* N/A
Hoopla Movie & TV Show 3 days Yes N/A 30/month* N/A

*Hoopla use is limited to a combined total of 30/month for all item categories.

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