Policy on Proctoring Exams
The Hancock County Public Library provides free test proctoring. Exams will be proctored for residents of Hancock County. An exception to the residency requirement may be made when the Library has an agreement with institutions of higher learning. The library reserves the right to limit or deny this service if the proctoring request does not meet the proctoring guidelines. Guidelines are available at the main library and branch library.
Proctoring Guidelines
- To have an exam proctored, the student must complete our online Request for Test Proctoring form.
- Exams must be scheduled at least one week in advance by contacting the library. Exam proctoring is available Monday through Saturday during regular library hours.
- Testing must be completed 60 minutes before closing time.
- It is the student's responsibility to request their exam(s) be transmitted to HCPL. It is also the student's responsibility to confirm the exam(s) have been received by HCPL.
- HCPL is not responsible for exam(s) that are sent without making prior arrangements.
- Professional Librarians will proctor the exam(s).
- The librarian will verify the identity of the student by requiring presentation of a photo ID before administering the exam(s).
- The library will administer online exam(s) through a library computer. The library must receive approval in advance from the instructor or institution for a student to use a personal device. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the library's computing resources are adequate for their test taking requirements. The library is not responsible for Internet connections or software errors.
- The library requires that all associated expenses (including but not limited to institutional fees, certification fees, or postage) be paid by the school or the student.
- Late arrival may require rescheduling the proctoring appointment.
- Tests will be transmitted after they are taken and will not be retained by HCPL.
Request Proctoring
To have an exam proctored, please submit an online Request for Test Proctoring form. Please allow 1-2 days for a response, especially when submitting a request over the weekend.