Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement Between
Fortville-Vernon Township and HCPL
WHEREAS, it is to the advantage of taxpayers of Hancock County to have access to all materials and services provided by the two participating libraries; and
WHEREAS, the participating libraries are desirous of fulfilling their obligations and purposes in this regard and do
HEREBY, agree between them on behalf of the taxpayers in their library districts to permit any resident holding a valid borrower’s card from either Hancock County Public Library or Fortville-Vernon Township Library, parties to this agreement, access to library materials and services subject to the conditions set forth here:
Users of this agreement are expected to:
- Conform to the rules of the library from which they borrow.
- Return all materials to the lending library.
- Present a valid resident borrower’s card issued by their local library.
- Pay promptly all delinquency charges.
Participating libraries agree to:
- Keep statistics on the number of borrowers and items loaned under this agreement.
- Review those statistics and the terms of this agreement annually to determine any need for monetary reimbursement to the net lender.
The agreement becomes effective on the latest date shown below and shall remain in force until either party wishes it modified or canceled. A copy of this agreement shall be filed with the Indiana State Library upon signing, whereas to facilitate the compilation of a statewide listing of participating libraries.
Execution by the Fortville-Vernon Township Public Library and the Hancock County Public Library is duly authorized by the boards of those libraries.
Effective January, 2003