Greenfield Daily Reporter - January 17, 2015

Library surpasses goal of 1 million checkouts
‘Team effort’ credited for record-breaking 2014
By Kristy Deer, Greenfield Daily Reporter

GREENFIELD — Calling it a “one-in-a-million” kind of year, officials from the Hancock County Public Library have released official circulation numbers for 2014 showing its highest circulation figures to date.

With an increase of more than 101,730 materials circulated in 2014 compared to 2013 figures, the library not only hit the million mark but went well past circulation figures.

It ended 2014 with a total of 1,008,714 items checked out.

“We did it,” Director Dave Gray said. “It was pretty incredible what we were able to accomplish. It was a team effort. We did a lot of different things this year, and it all added up to just over a million circulations.”

Breaking Down a Million CheckoutsA breakdown of the circulation numbers shows an increase in circulation figures for every month of the year in 2014; 96,121 materials were checked out in June alone.

The library finished the year with 85,109 checkouts in December, which helped crest the 1 million mark.

“Our biggest day wasn’t Christmas, but we did do 235 checkouts on Christmas Day,” Gray said. “We did 325 on the 30th, so many people were trying to help us get a million.”

Library officials noted the large circulation numbers say a great deal about the community that continues to support the library.

Board President Beverly Gard credited Gray, Assistant Director Barbara Roark and the rest of the library staff for accomplishing the rare feat.

“The marketing effort was really good,” Gard said.

While library officials aren’t sure who checked out the 1 millionth item, they are certain the material was checked out on Dec. 29.

Roark said the library was able to reach its goal thanks to the 54 employees, 142 volunteers, seven library board members and the patrons.

“We also achieved this due to some of our programs like the library discount card program, and we plan to do that this year,” Roark said.

She also credits 174 library programs for youth, teens and adults; spectacular displays; the book-a-librarian program; and electronic resources as reasons for such a good year.

In 2014, the library attracted 5,223 patrons to its programs, making it far more successful than 2013 when 4,403 patrons attended library events.

Despite having a smaller community service area than many libraries across Indiana, in 2013 the county program was 15th in the state for overall circulation.

“That says a lot about our community and our library,” Gray said.

He noted it will be interesting to see where the library ranks when 2014 overall state circulation numbers are released.

Regardless, officials are already planning to make 2015 another banner year and maybe another one for the books.

They’re hoping to set a Guinness World Record by having more than 1,000 patrons come to Greenfield-Central High School on May 30 for a special event.

“We are going to try and have 1,000 people on the football field balance a book on their head,” Roark said with a laugh.

Patrons will only have to balance the book for just a few seconds – long enough for officials to see that everyone has a book on their head.

They then plan to donate the 1,000 books, new or used, to various outlets in the county.