Policy on Patron Behavior
The Hancock County Public Library is an active center of information, cultural activities, recreation and learning. It is the policy of the library to offer a full range of library services to all residents of the community, regardless of age, sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion, or economic status.
To better serve all library patrons, the library Board of Trustees has established certain standards of acceptable behavior to maintain an atmosphere which promotes the use and enjoyment of the resources and services of the library and which protects the safety of the general public, the library staff, and the equipment and materials of the library.
Any activity which interferes with the rights of other patrons to use the library; which could result in physical, emotional, or mental injury to oneself or others; or could result in damage to the facilities, equipment or materials is considered disruptive and unacceptable. The library reserves the right to require anyone who violates these rules of conduct to leave the premises and to restrict library privileges for a specified period of time. Unlawful activities will be reported to the police and when appropriate, violators will be subject to arrest.
Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to these actions:
- Abuse/vandalism of library facilities, equipment or material
Abusive or obscene language
Language that is offensive to other patrons and staff is considered unacceptable behavior. -
Alcohol, Tobacco and Illegal Drugs
There will be no alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs permitted anywhere on library property. (Greenfield Ordinance No. 2005-17 eliminates smoking in public places and places of employment - effective March 1, 2006.) -
Patrons shall not bring pets or animals into the library, except for service animals. - Any illegal activity
Bikes, roller blades, skateboards and scooters
Bikes, roller skates, roller blades, shoe-skates, skateboards and scooters may not be used or worn in the library. -
Blocking aisles or doorways
Patrons shall not obstruct aisles or doorways or in any way interfere with the free movement of any person or persons. -
Excessive noise and other disturbances
Loud conversation including cell phone conversation, laughter or music which is disturbing to others is not allowed. Patrons are not to run or engage in any other type of disruptive behavior. -
Food & Drink
- The library's Food & Drink Policy is intended to preserve our library materials, computer equipment, and furnishings, and to maintain a pleasant and comfortable environment for our readers and staff.
- Food is not allowed in the library, except at designated times or in designated rooms.
- All drinks must be covered and will not be allowed in the Local History/Genealogy Room.
- Users are liable for any damage to library property and equipment caused by food or drink.
Physical, sexual, or verbal abuse in any form, of other library users or library staff will not be tolerated. - Intoxication
Possession of Weapons
Carrying weapons of any type on library property is not allowed except as provided by Indiana state law. - Refusing to comply with the reasonable requests of any member of the library staff
Shirt and shoes
Persons without shoes and a shirt will not be allowed in the library. -
Sleeping is prohibited, except by young children under a parent or caregiver's supervision. -
Solicitation by any means of personal contact with library patrons or staff is not allowed. -
Unapproved Literature
Printed materials from outside the library may not be left anywhere in the building.